Cabrinha Nitro 2023

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In 2004, Cabrinha revolutionized the world of big air kiting with the Nitro, a kite that propelled riders to victory on global stages. Now, after 19 years, they are reintroducing the Nitro and returning to their roots.

The Nitro, designed by Pat Goodman from Cab Design Works, is the pinnacle of big air kiting. The development process was a no-holds-barred exploration of height and stability possibilities. As part of the Apex series, the Nitro utilizes cutting-edge materials specifically engineered for inflatable structures used in the extreme demands of big air kiting. The Ultra HT material offers exceptional warp and weft elongation strength, enabling the kite to maintain a stable arc while still allowing for responsive turns and loop recoveries under increased pressure.

The sport of big air kiting has reached new levels of intensity, with riders combining multiple tricks into a single jump and pushing the limits of performance. To soar to these extreme heights, a kite that can deliver is imperative, and that is exactly what the Nitro offers.

Boasting exceptional hangtime, the Nitro is Cabrinha’s biggest boosting kite. Its 3D correct shape ensures seamless transitions between the segmented leading edge and the curved canopy. The new narrow wing tip design concentrates more canopy area in the central region, enhancing projected area and improving airflow efficiency. This translates to powerful and responsive performance, enabling massive air and direct, powerful kiteloops. Furthermore, the unique canopy profile grants effortless upwind performance.

The Nitro features the groundbreaking Ultra HT material, which reduces the weight of the leading edge and struts while maintaining low elongation and impressive response. This remarkable material undergoes a proprietary coating process that enhances durability and performance like never before experienced.

As an Apex series product from the CAB Design Works Team, the Nitro exclusively utilizes Ultra HT material for its leading edges. This highly resilient and responsive material elevates the kite’s overall performance by reducing weight and elongation while retaining exceptional strength. Once again, the kite benefits from the proprietary coating process, resulting in unparalleled durability and performance.

The next advancement in inflatable structures comes in the form of HTD Lite. Incorporating the superior characteristics of HTD material, such as elongation control, with a lighter weight construction and improved reflex bias recovery, HTD Lite enhances the kite’s response and range.

Developed exclusively for leading edges, this new material is strong, stable, and responsive. It significantly reduces weight while maintaining remarkable elongation control. The coating process employed for this material utilizes unconventional technology, further enhancing its durability and performance.

Introducing the Sprint 3.0 inflation system, the Nitro delivers increased airflow from the leading edge to the strut. The new straight and angled valves prevent kinking of the inflation tube, ensuring smooth and efficient inflation. Additionally, the secure fit design facilitates easy maintenance.

With its refined airfoil shape, the Nitro optimizes air flow and efficiency, further enhancing its overall performance.


For more information visit Cabrinha


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