ДомойКайтсёрфингNorth Kiteboarding Scoop 2024

North Kiteboarding Scoop 2024

Dive into our overview below, and be sure to return for the complete review soon.

The Scoop is a high-performance foilboard that offers immediate recovery upon touchdown. Its concaved deck allows for smooth transitions and effortless steering. The Hybrid Carbon construction, known for its lightweight yet durable qualities, includes a structurally reinforced core to enhance impact resistance and rigidity. The Scoop is designed with a forgiving hull shape, making it perfect for both Freeride and Freestyle foiling.

In the 2024 version of the Scoop, the triplane hull design enables earlier takeoffs and faster release. The angled planing surfaces, refined rocker, and finer bevelled rails contribute to a more balanced and forgiving touchdown recovery on various angles. This versatility makes the Scoop an excellent choice for strapped big wave tow-foiling or long-distance kitefoil expeditions.

The Scoop comes with Free-V and Free Foil Strap Inserts, although the straps themselves are sold separately. The rocker has been adjusted for a more balanced feel, with a slight increase in tail rise and reduced nose lift. The updated tail shape adds forgiveness and helps maintain nose lift.

The highly concaved deck enhances intuitive foot positioning and acts as a counterbalance, ensuring a stable board. The slightly finer bevelled rails complement the smoother rocker. Additionally, the foil setup can be precisely tuned to suit individual weight and comfort preferences.

The Scoop utilizes the DropBox foil mounting tracks, which are embedded into a high-density closed-cell PVC block. This setup includes two PVC stringers on each side of the block, distributing the load lengthwise. The top and bottom laminate skins connect the full system, providing maximum support.

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For customizable stance options, the Scoop features V-Strap and centreline inserts (straps sold separately). These insert mounting patterns offer five different positioning options for each strap or can be used strapless. The double V-shape in the bottom contour is achieved through a single concave in the center and angled planing surfaces on the sides. This design allows the board to lift and release quickly without sticking. The bevelled rails aid in touchdown recovery and create a wider deck with a narrower footprint, similar to having a smaller board.

The Scoop is compatible with any Foil System featuring a 165×90 bolt pattern. The integrated track system provides strong structural support. The DropBox screws and t-nuts are now installed into the mast tracks, ensuring they remain secure.

The board’s construction consists of a lightweight epoxy composite laminate with a balanced carbon and e-glass fibre layup wrapped around an EPS core. The high-density closed-cell PVC reinforcement around the foil track mount, leash-plug, and foot strap inserts distributes the load effectively. Furthermore, an ultra-lightweight double bamboo reinforcement layer underneath the standing area enhances impact resistance and rigidity.

The new heat-embossed custom deck grip offers a more direct and intuitive connection to the foil. The integrated tail kicker facilitates easy foot placement, while transverse markers on the deckpad provide visual reference points for stance positioning.

In summary, the Scoop is an advanced foilboard featuring a superior design and construction. It excels in maneuverability, recovery, and glide, thanks to its lightweight Hybrid Carbon technology. The triplane hull design enables early takeoffs, fast release, and a forgiving touchdown recovery. With its versatility, the Scoop serves as a dependable platform for a range of foilboarding activities, from big wave tow-foiling to long-distance kitefoil missions.

For more information visit North Kiteboarding

Источник: https://www.iksurfmag.com/reviews/boards/hydrofoil-boards/north-kiteboarding-scoop-2024/

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