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Irish U23 Rowers Have Four Medal Chances at 2023 World Championships

Irish rower Alison Bergin impresses yet again in the semi-final stage of the U23 World Championships and races for a medal on Sunday

Ireland has four chances of medals at the World Under-23 Rowing Championships in Bulgaria this morning (Sunday).

Saturday was a clean sweep for Ireland, with all crews winning their semi-finals and qualifying for their respective A Finals.

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After a win in Thursday’s heat, Brian Colsh and Konan Pazzaia sailed through their semi-final this morning, putting another win under the belt. Going off the blocks with a rate of 48 strokes per minute, the Irish double was not stopping from the get-go. With a podium finish in last year’s championships, Colsh and Pazzaia won’t be looking for anything less in tomorrow’s A Final where they face France, Lithuania, Uruguay, Poland and Germany.

Next up was the Men’s Lightweight Double of Queen’s University Belfast’s Ciaran Purdy and University of Limerick’s Rory O’Neill. Both athletes have a host of race experience, with Purdy winning silver at the 2022 U23 World Championships and O’Neill finishing in fourth place in the 2021 World Championships. Holding a steady pace, Ireland crossed the first marker in fourth position but pushed forward a place through each 500m to finish in first place.

Andrew Sheehan of the University of Cork RC safely secured his place in the A Final with a win in the Men’s Scull semi-final. The sculler from Italy took the early lead, getting clear water between the rest of the scullers by the 250m mark. Spain dropped off in the early stages, but Ireland, Switzerland and Portugal stayed in the mix in the second pack. Holding a steady speed, Sheehan broke away from the scullers in third and fourth position and edged closer and closer to the Italian. Coming into the finish, Andrew was increasing his speed, and Italy couldn’t keep up. He crossed the line in the first position with clear water over the rest of the field.

Alison Bergin impresses yet again in the semi-final stage of the U23 World Championships. Last year Alison set the current U23 Championship best time in a commanding race, and she did not disappoint this year either. Similarly to the Irish crews that raced before her, Bergin had a solid start, sitting in the middle of the group. Winding it up, coming through the halfway point, she did not stop as she headed towards the line, overtaking the leading sculler from the Czech Republic and finishing about three lengths clear from the rest of the scullers.

Sunday is a big day for Ireland, with four crews in four A Finals in the space of an hour and a half. 

Saturday Results
BM2x A/B Semi 1st -> A Final
BLM2x A/B Semi 1st -> A Final
BM1x A/B Semi 1st -> A Final
BW1x A/B Semi 1st -> A Final

Sunday Schedule (IST)
8:44am — BM2x A Final
9:44am — BLM2x A Final
10:08am — BM1x A Final
10:20am — BW1x A Final

Источник: https://www.afloat.ie/watersport/rowing/rowing-news/item/59822-irish-u23-rowers-have-four-medal-chances-at-2023-world-championships

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