ДомойКайтсёрфингCabrinha Switchblade 2023

Cabrinha Switchblade 2023

Dive into our overview below, and be sure to return for the complete review soon.

Entering its 16th year, the kite that sparked the freeride revolution in kitesurfing and welcomed countless new kiters worldwide is now embarking on its next stage of evolution. Known for its versatility, this incredible design has been enhanced with the introduction of the Hybrid Frame and HTD Lite materials. These upgrades have expanded the kite’s range and bolstered its performance.

With a lighter frame and strategically placed materials, the kite now boasts improved responsiveness to rider input. As a result, it offers enhanced maneuverability in lighter winds, as well as better control and responsiveness in stronger winds. The direct bridle, equipped with low drag materials, further propels this kite into new realms of performance.

The strut, hybrid design, fusion wing tip shape, and draft forward profile combine to set the benchmark for durability, stability, and responsiveness. The redesigned and balanced bridle, free of pulleys, imbues the kite with a lighter feel, enabling faster turns and increased responsiveness. This caters to a wider range of users and provides better control for jumping.

Recognized as the most adaptable kite in the industry, it effortlessly handles a wide range of conditions and accommodates various riding styles. Its 5-strut stable platform ensures stability in stronger winds, while the wide arc fosters improved glide. The unique canopy profile delivers effortless upwind performance. Additionally, the extended sweep not only expands the kite’s range but also facilitates easy relaunch, particularly in lighter winds.

The perfect fusion of materials is achieved through a combination of High Tenacity Dacron (HTD) and HTD Lite. This blend provides the necessary support for the kite while increasing response. Specifically designed with inflated kite structures in mind, the construction of this material prioritizes warp orientation, employing ultra high tenacity yarns with an increased thread count to combat elongation under high inflation pressures. Lower elongation ensures a more accurate kite/wing with a more efficient and precise airfoil during flight.

Continuing the evolutionary journey of inflatable structures, HTD Lite marks the next leap forward. Leveraging the superior elongation control of the proven HTD material, this innovative creation combines it with a superior reflex bias recovery and lighter weight construction. The result is heightened response characteristics and an expanded range for the kite.

At the heart of the kite lies its frame, which serves as its foundation. The Hybrid Frame leverages a fusion of the two HTD materials, along with reduced weight along the trailing edge, to provide the necessary response and durability to take your kiting experience to new heights.

The new Sprint 3.0 inflation system enhances air flow from the leading edge to the strut. Featuring straight and angled valves, it prevents kinking of the inflation tube. Its secure fit design also simplifies maintenance.

Introducing bulletproof bumpers made of durable TPU, these lightweight and strong additions offer protection to the canopy and LE sewing. A new manufacturing process has also addressed concerns regarding abrasion when the kite is resting on a hard surface.


For more information visit Cabrinha

Источник: https://www.iksurfmag.com/reviews/kites/cabrinha-switchblade-2023/

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